Lab Animal Management & Protocol System Project

Oversees the implementation of the LAMPS eProtocol and eAnimal Ordering modules

This page provides project-related updates to the implementation of LAMPS’s second module: eAnimal Ordering. See the LAMPS landing page to login to LAMPS.

eAnimal Ordering Module – (LARS Phase 2)

Animal procurement transitioned to LAMPS on July  6, 2021.

  • A new module of LAMPS is available to submit requisitions: eAnimal Ordering.
  • All personnel with edit access to a protocol in eProtocol can submit an animal requisition for that protocol. There is no access request form for eAnimal Ordering.
  • The completed requisition is submitted to the DCM Business Office for review and approval. It is then sent to Workday to be assigned a funding source by department staff.
  • eAnimal Ordering provides real-time access to remaining animal balances.

LARS Phase Overview

The Lab Animal Resource Software (LARS) project oversees the release the second module of LAMPS: eAnimal Ordering. LARS consists of three phases:

Phase 1 (Complete) – DCM transitions to eAnimal Ordering May 1, 2020

  • Barcoded cage cards placed in facilities
  • New split/wean log
  • DCM Procurement re-enters Marketplace orders in LAMPS

Phase 2 (Complete) – Researchers transition to eAnimal Ordering July 6, 2021

  • Animal procurement is initiated in LAMPS.
  • Researchers have access to animal numbers.

Phase 3 – Electronic census tracking Timeline TBD

  • Electronic census will streamline manual processes including transfer requests. Electronic census will be implemented building-by-building over the course of several months. The timeline for Phase 3 is under development.

eProtocol Module

The eProtocol module of LAMPS went live on July 29, 2019. It replaced eSirius as the system in which to submit, review, and approve animal use protocols and amendments. Visit the LAMPS Website to login, access resources, and read frequently asked questions.

Questions? or 314-362-3229.

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