A competitive funding environment often requires researchers to be creative in their search for support for their projects. A number of sources are available to aid Washington University researchers in their pursuit for funding. Please use the following four sources to identify funding opportunities and setup regular email alerts.

  1. SPIN Funding Opportunity Search Engine
  2. Federal Websites and Opt-In Listserves
  3. Washington University Internal Funding Database and Listserves
  4. School Specific Funding Newsletters

Submit the Funding Search Request Form to Catherine Determan (Research Development Project Manager) for help with a funding search.

A competitive funding environment often requires researchers to be creative in their search for support for their projects. A number of sources that identify and manage new funding opportunities are available to aid Washington University researchers.

1. SPIN Funding Opportunity Search Engine

SPIN provides intuitive and easily customizable access to the most extensive research funding opportunity database on earth. SPIN provides both active searching as well as automated, daily opportunity notifications.

SPIN can be accessed by logging into rms.wustl.edu using your WUSTL Key and clicking SPIN in the left sidebar. SPIN has detailed search help and training videos available (upper right part of the SPIN banner). Please reach out directly to Catherine Determan (cdeterman@wustl.edu or 314-935-8890) if your department is interested in having someone from the Office for the Vice Chancellor for Research / Research Development Office to present to your department about finding funding, including using SPIN.

2. Federal Websites and Opt-In Listserves

  • Grants.gov. The central clearinghouse of information for finding grant opportunities and applying for funding from federal government sources. Researchers can conduct one-time searches for funding or setup continuous email alerts. Details on managing your alerts is here.
  • Weekly NIH Guide. NIH announces all new funding opportunities and notices in a weekly Opt-In email. In addition to searching the NIH Guide, you can save your search and receive an email notification when a new NIH Guide posting matches your search criteria.
  • NSF Custom News. A daily email alert service with subscription options that include new research opportunities, upcoming deadlines, and other content categories.
  • Department of Energy. Sign-up for Department of Energy, News and Updates
  • Looking for additional agencies? Find more links on the Federal Funding page.

3. Washington University Internal Funding Database and Listserves

  • Private Funding Sources Database. A searchable database of private funding sources for biomedical research. This website is provided by the WUSTL Medical Alumni & Development Programs, Corporate & Foundation Relations office.
  • Research News. The Research News listserv is designed to disseminate important research-related information and internal seed funding opportunities. Sign up today.
  • Internal Selections Announcements. Research Development Office sends a newsletter of upcoming Internal Selection competitions. If you do not currently receive these emails, please email Catherine Determan at internalselections@wustl.edu if you want to receive these emails.

4. School Specific Funding Newsletters