Controlled Substances

Acquire DEA Form 222

Effective August 20, 2010

Acquiring DEA Form 222

Obtain DEA 222 forms from the DEA in order to transfer or procure Schedule I or II drugs. DEA 222 forms are available to active registrants at no charge.

  • DEA 222 forms may be ordered by calling:
    • DEA Headquarters Registration Unit toll free at 800-882-9539
    • St. Louis DEA Registration Field Office 314-538-4600
  • DEA Form 222: Online ordering (
  • If requested, the first set of DEA Form 222’s are automatically sent with each new DEA registration.
  • Form 222s are generally mailed within 10 days
  • The registrant must verify that the information on their Form 222 is complete and accurate. The registrant should contact the DEA to order correct Form 222s, and if necessary, update their registration information.
  • The use of a DEA Form 222 tracking log is recommended.

DEA Form 222 General Information

  • DEA Form 222s are only used to transfer or order Schedule II controlled substances.
  • Orders for Schedule II agents will not be accepted without a Form 222.
  • Each book of DEA Official Order Forms consists of seven sets of forms.
  • Each form has a serial number for record keeping along with the registrant’s name, DEA registration number, location, and schedules of permitted drugs.
  • Each form is comprised of an original (Copy 1), a duplicate (Copy 2), and triplicate copy (Copy 3).
    • Copy 1 (Brown) Supplier
    • Copy 2 (Green) DEA (submitted by supplier to St. Louis DEA Field Division)
    • Copy 3 (Blue) Purchaser or registration holder
  • All unused, unnecessary or inaccurate Form 222s must be returned to the St. Louis DEA field division.
  • The serial numbers for missing or stolen Form 222s must be reported to the St. Louis DEA field division.
  • DEA Form 222s must be securely stored and be readily available if requested.
  • A blank form must never be signed.
  • Return all unused or voided forms upon registration termination or change of address to the St. Louis DEA field division:

St. Louis DEA Field Division
317 S. 16th St.
St. Louis, MO 63103
Office: 314.538.4600

Using DEA Form 222 to Order Controlled Substances

  • Use indelible ink or a typewriter to complete the triplicate form.
  • Make all entries on the top copy only.
  • The date is the actual date the order is placed.
  • Only one supplier can be listed per form.

A. Purchaser or receiving registrant completes the following:

  • TO: (Name of Supplier)
  • STREET ADDRESS (Address must match address on supplier DEA registration)
  • CITY and STATE
  • DATE
    • (IMPORTANT) Only one drug or compound per line.
    • No more than 10 line items per Form 222.
    • Different sizes, strengths, and partial quantities must be listed on separate lines.
    • Indicate quantity of boxes, vials, syringes, or containers (if sold as single units).
    • Indicate the size of package in the box unless the drug is only manufactured in one package size (Example: 1ml x 10, 50ml, 100/btl, 1g, or 20/50 ml for partial content (20ml) in a 50ml vial).
    • The Form 222 must be signed by the DEA registration holder.
  • No erasures, corrections, alterations, or changes are permitted. If an error is made:
    • Strike a single diagonal line across the entire form and write VOID.
    • Retain voided Form 222s with unexecuted forms.

B. Purchaser mails or delivers attached Copy 1 (brown) and Copy 2 (green) with carbon intact to supplier.

C. Upon receiving items, the purchaser must mark on Copy 3 (blue):


Verify packing slip matches shipped contents.
Purchaser Copy 3 must be retained with purchasing invoices.

Transfers of Schedule II controlled substances to another active DEA registration holder or reverse distributor

  • The recipient must complete one of their Form 222’s as a purchaser (see above) with the supplier registrant’s name and address (as appears on supplier DEA Certificate of Registration) along with all required information concerning the Schedule II controlled substance(s) to be transferred.
  • The registrant supplying the Schedule II controlled substances must complete the
    “TO BE FILLED IN BY SUPPLIER” section, which includes:

    • NATIONAL DRUG CODE (11 digit number found on commercial container usually in a 5-4-2 format).
    • If the NDC number is only 10 digits long start writing the number in the second box from the left.
  • The supplier retains copy 1 (brown) of Form 222 in their records.
  • The supplier mails copy 2 (green) of Form 222 to the St. Louis DEA office:

St. Louis DEA Field Division
317 S. 16th St.
St. Louis, MO 63103
Office: 314.538.4600

  • The purchaser retains and completes Copy 3 of Form 222 (see above).

Order Processing and Lost Shipments

  • A supplier may refuse or void all or any part of an order on a Form 222.
    • Supplier shall notify purchaser in writing.
    • No explanation is necessary. Order not acceptable is sufficient.
    • For order rejections, Copy 1 and Copy 2 will be returned to the purchaser
    • The purchaser shall retain rejected Copy 1 and Copy 2 along with Copy 3 in their records.
  • Suppliers must ship orders within 60 days of the date on the Form 222.
  • If a supplier does not receive the Form 222:
    • Purchaser must contact supplier in writing indicating the original Form 222 serial number, the date of the form, and the agents listed on the order form.
    • Attach a copy of the statement to Copy 3 of missing form.
    • A new 222 form should be prepared exactly as the first missing form.
    • Report missing completed forms to the St. Louis DEA field office.
    • If the missing form is received the supplier shall not accept it and return it to the purchaser to be stored in their records.
    • Purchaser shall retain all returned forms.