Many funding agencies require specific information about Washington University in St. Louis. The following is a list of frequently requested institutional data. This information is coordinated by Teri Medley in the Office of Sponsored Research Services.

Also see the Institutional Data and Budget Quick Reference Sheet.

Affirmative Action PlanIPED (Formerly IPSEDS)
Animal Welfare Assurance & Accreditation NumberLegal Entity Name and Address
Annual ReportsMisconduct in Science Report
Board of Trustees​Mission Statement​
CAGE CodeMissouri Buys System
CASB Disclosure StatementNSF Awardee/Performing Organization Code
Cognizant Federal AuditorNorth American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
Contractor Establishment CodeNuclear ​Regulatory Commission (NRC) License
DUNS NumberOffice of Postsecondary Education Identifier (OPEID)
Equal Employment OpportunityProduct Service Code
Employees (Number)Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)
Facilities & Administrative Rate (F&A)State of MO Vendor Number
Federal ID Number (FEIN)State Representative District
Financial Officer (Mailing Address)State Senate District
General InformationTraining Grants
Human Subjects Assurance Number (FWA)Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)
IncorporationU.S. Congressional District
Indirect Cost RateWashU Libraries Boilerplate for Grants
Institutional Profile Number (NIH Applications)

Affirmative Action Plan:

Complied annually; WashU is registered and certified through the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs

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Animal Welfare Assurance & Accreditation Number:

Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare Assurance (OLAW)— Both Campuses – D1600245 (old number A3381-01), expiration date 10/31/2025.

The institution has maintained an active accreditation from the Association for Assessment & Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) since 7/18/1997. Our most recent full accreditation date is 11/1/2021, and this is the current AAALAC accreditation certification letter (PDF).

USDA Registration #43-R-008.

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Annual Reports

Please visit the Annual Report Page.

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Board of Trustees

Please visit:

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CAGE Code:


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CASB Disclosure Statement Filed

2/22/2007 to:

Cognizant Federal Agency:

Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Cost Allocation
Cohen Building, Room 1067
330 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington D.C.  20201

Cognizant Federal Auditor:

DHHS Office of Inspector General
Office of Audit Services, Region VII
691 East 12th Street
Kansas City, MO  64106

Cognizant Federal Agency to be Listed for OSRS/SPA Applications and Awards:
DHHS, Cost Allocation Services
1301 Young Street
Dallas, TX 75202
(301) 492-4855

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DUNS Number/Contractor Establishment Code:


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Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO-6):

See Integrated Post Secondary Education Data System/IPSEDS

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Employees (Number):

As of March 2022

​Full-Time = 17,166

Part-Time = 2,480

These numbers include all employees, including those who are non-benefits eligible.

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Facilities and Administrative Rate (F&A)/Indirect Cost Rate

F&A Terms and Definitions
Organized Research (Sponsored)Research and development activities established by a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement that are separately budgeted and accounted for on a project by project basis.
Instruction (Sponsored)Specific instructional or training activity established by a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement.
Other Sponsored ActivitiesExternally sponsored activities that are neither organized research & training nor instruction.  Examples include health services projects, including sponsored patient care studies that are performed in an outpatient or inpatient setting, and community service programs.
Modified Total Direct Cost (MTDC)Includes:
salaries and wages
fringe benefits
subawards/subgrants/subcontracts up to the first $25,000
(regardless of the period covered)

capital expenditures
charges for patient care
tuition remission
rental costs of off-site facilities
fellowships (stipends)
portion of subawards/subgrants/subcontracts in excess of $25,000
7/11/2023 Rate Agreement
Effective Period​Rate​Applicable to​
7/1/23-6/30/2555.5% MTDCOn Campus: Organized Research
7/1/21-6/30/2536% MTDCOn Campus: Instruction
7/1/21-6/30/2536% MTDCOn Campus: Other Sponsored Activities
7/1/21-6/30/2526% MTDCOff Campus: Organized Research, Instruction, Other Sponsored Activities
7/1/25-Until amendedUse same rates and conditions as those cited for fiscal year ending June 30, 2025.
4/28/2022 Rate Agreement
Effective Period​Rate​Applicable to​
7/1/20-6/30/2157.5% MTDCOn Campus: Organized Research​
7/1/17-6/30/2136% MTDCOn Campus: Instruction
7/1/17-6/30/2136% MTDCOn Campus: Other Sponsored Activities
7/1/17-6/30/2126% MTDCOff Campus: Organized Research, Instruction, Other Sponsored Activities
7/1/21-6/30/2357.5% MTDCOn Campus: Organized Research
7/1/23-6/30/2555.5% MTDCOn Campus: Organized Research
7/1/21-6/30/2536% MTDCOn Campus: Instruction
7/1/21-6/30/2536% MTDCOn Campus: Other Sponsored Activities
7/1/21-6/30/3526% MTDCOff Campus: Organized Research, Instruction, Other Sponsored Activities
7/1/25–Until amendedUse same rates and conditions as those cited for fiscal Year ending June 30, 2025.
5/6/2021 Rate Agreement
Effective Period​Rate​Applicable to​
7/1/20-6/30/2157.5% MTDCOn Campus: Organized Research
​7/1/17-6/30/2136% MTDC​On Campus: Instruction
7/1/17-6/30/2136% MTDCOn Campus: Other Sponsored Activities
7/1/17-6/30/2126% MTDCOff Campus: Organized Research, Instruction, Other Sponsored Activities
7/1/21-6/30/2357.5% MTDCOn Campus: Organized Research
7/1/23-6/30/2555.5% MTDCOn Campus: Organized Research
7/1/21-6/30/2536% MTDCOn Campus: Instruction
7/1/21-6/30/2536% MTDCOn Campus: Other Sponsored Activities
7/1/21-6/30/2526% MTDCOff Campus: Organized Research, Instruction, Other Sponsored Activities
7/1/25-Until amendedUse same rates and conditions as those cited for fiscal year ending June 30, 2025.
4/5/2018 Rate Agreement
Effective Period​Rate​Applicable to​
7/1/17-6/30/18​52.5% MTDC​On Campus: Organized Research​
7/1/18-6/30/19​55.5% MTDC​On Campus: Organized Research​
7/1/19-6/30/2057% MTDC​​On Campus: Organized Research​
7/1/20-6/30/21​57.5% MTDC​On Campus: Organized Research​
7/1/17-6/30/21​36% MTDCOn Campus: Instruction
7/1/17-6/30/21​36% MDTC​On Campus: Other Sponsored Activities
7/1/17-6/30/21​26% MTDC​Off Campus: Organized Research, Instruction, Other Sponsored Activities
7/1/21-Until amended​ ​Use same rates and conditions as those cited for fiscal year ending June 30, 2021.
12/16/2013 Rate Agreement
Effective Period​Rate​Applicable to​
7/1/13-6/30/14​52% MTDC​On Campus: Organized Research​
7/1/13-6/30/14​44% MTDCOn Campus: Instruction
7/1/13-6/30/14​35% MTDCOn Campus: Other Sponsored Activities
7/1/13-6/30/14​25.8% MTDCOn Campus: Genome Sequencing Center
7/1/14-6/30/1752.5% MTDCOn Campus: Organized Research​
7/1/14-6/30/1738% MTDCOn Campus: Instruction
7/1/14-6/30/1736% MTDCOn Campus: Other Sponsored Activities
7/1/14-6/30/1725.5% MTDCOn Campus: Genome Sequencing Center
7/1/13-6/30/14​26% MTDCOff Campus: Instruction
7/1/13-6/30/17​26% MTDCOff Campus: Organized Research, & Other Sponsored Activities
7/1/14-6/30/1724% MTDCOff Campus: Instruction
7/1/13-6/30/17​11.5% MTDCOff Campus: Genome Sequencing Center
7/1/17-Until amendedUse same rates and conditions as those cited for fiscal year ending June 30, 2017.
2/24/2010 Rate Agreement
Effective PeriodRateApplicable to
7/1/09-6/30/1352% MTDCOn Campus: Organized Research
7/1/09-6/30/1344% MTDCOn Campus: Instruction
7/1/09-6/30/1335% MTDCOn Campus: Other Sponsored Activity
7/1/09-6/30/1326% MTDCOff Campus: Organized Research, Instruction, Other Sponsored Activities, Genome Sequencing Center
7/1/09-6/30/1325.8% MTDCOn Campus: Genome Sequencing Center
7/1/13-Until amendedUse same rates and conditions as those cited for fiscal year ended June 30, 2013.

Please contact your assigned OSRS representative with questions regarding rates applicable for proposals competitive prior to 7/1/09.

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Federal Identification Number (FEIN) (Both Campuses):

A 9 or 12 digit FEIN may be used depending on the requestor’s requirements.​



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Federal Interagency Committee on Education (FICE) Institutional Code:


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Financial Officer To Whom Checks Should Be Mailed:

Joseph M. Gindhart, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Sponsored Projects​
Sponsored Projects Accounting
MSC 1034-0423-02
Washington University in St. Louis
7425 Forsyth Blvd.
St. Louis, MO  63105-2161

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General Information

Please visit: or

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Human Subjects Federal Wide Assurance (FWA):

Danforth & Medical School

​Expiration date: The expiration date may change frequently. For the current expiration date, click on Select the ‘FWAs’ tab and search for the institution of “Washington University.”

Check with the Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) for specific committee number at 747-6800

Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. (AAHRPP) granted Full Accreditation on July 30, 2004.

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February 22, 1853

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IPED Human Resources Survey (formerly IPSEDS):

January 20, 2010

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Integrated Post Secondary Education Data System/IPSEDS (formerly the EEO-6 report):

January 23, 2009

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Institutional Profile Number (for NIH applications):


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Legal Entity Name and Address

The Washington University
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899

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Misconduct in Science/Annual Report (Annual Assurance to ORI):

March 13, 2023

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Mission Statement

Please visit

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Missouri Buys System

Missouri Buys System ID: MB00097149

Vendor# 4306536118 L

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NSF Awardee/Performing Organization Code:

Danforth Campus & School of Medicine — 0025205000

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North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)

611310 (Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools)

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Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) License:


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Office of Postsecondary Education Identifier (OPEID)
(formerly Federal Interagency Committee on Education (FICE) Institutional Code)


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Product Service Code

Danforth Campus— AZ11 (Other R&D – Basic Research)

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Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

8221 (Colleges & Universities)

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State of Missouri Vendor Number:

Both Campuses— 6214321

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State Representative District:

Danforth Campus: House District 87 (part of Campus west of the City limit
Danforth Campus: House District 84 (part of Campus east of the City limit)
Medical School: House district 77
See district maps

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State Senate District:

Danforth Campus: Senate district 14 (part of Campus west of the City limit)
Danforth Campus: Senate district 4 (part of Campus east of City limit)
Medical School: Senate district 5
See district maps

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Training Grants:

A current list of WashU Training Grants can be found on the Office of Training Grants website.

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Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)


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U.S. Congressional District:

Danforth Campus: 1st congressional district—  MO-001
Medical School Campus: 1st congressional district— MO-001

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WashU Libraries Boilerplate for Grants

This document contains boilerplate language that can be used in grant proposals to present information about Washington University Libraries.
Libraries Boilerplate for Grants
Becker Library Boilerplate for Grants​

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