The Alafi Neuroimaging Laboratory provides access to state of the art imaging instruments including Zeiss confocal and multiphoton microscopes, a Hamamatsu NanoZoomer slide scanning system and an Asylum Research atomic force microscope. We offer training and assistance in using the instruments and consultations regarding different aspects of the imaging process. The facility is available to researchers from and outside of Washington University as a fee-based service.

Core Description

The mission of the Alafi Neuroimaging Laboratory is to provide access to state of the art imaging technology along with necessary expertise to scientists whose research requires confocal, multiphoton, whole slide scanning, and/or atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging tools. After completing mandatory training, the users are granted access to the facility and can reserve time on a particular instrument using a web-based calendar. Users who choose to work independently can rely on technical assistance and advice from the staff members. Alternatively, users can conduct their research in collaboration with a staff member. Users are billed monthly for using the facility. Rates are based on the instrument used and the time of day with  substantial discounts for after-hours and weekend usage.


Service available to All entities, including for-profit organizations.

Priority service for Washington University only.

Additional information:

Orientation and training required. Please contact Kris Hyrc for details.​


  • Confocal and multiphoton imaging of fixed and living cells expressing fluorescent molecules such as YFP and/or labeled with fluorescent molecules using a wide range of excitation/emission wavelengths.
  • Multiphoton in vivo imaging.
  • Determination of localization of fluorescent markers.
  • Time-lapse imaging for monitoring a variety of dynamic processes such as mitochondrial motility and changes in intracellular free calcium concentration and mitochondrial membrane potential.
  • Separating closely spectrally related fluorophores such as GFP and YFP, monitoring FRET, FRAP and photoactivation.
  • Manual and/or automatic scanning of standard slides stained for brightfield or fluorescence imaging.
  • Visualizing the structure of molecules (e.g. proteins) and cells with the use of atomic force microscope.
  • Training and assistance in using the instruments.
  • Consultation on experimental design and execution.


  • Visiomorph-based image analysis system
  • Zeiss LSM5 confocal microscope with red excitation.
  • Zeiss LSM5 confocal microscope with UV excitation.
  • Zeiss LSM510 META NLO multiphoton microscope with tunable Coherent Chameleon Ultra I laser.
  • Hamamatsu NanoZoomer slide scanning system.
  • Asylum Research MFP-3D (BIO) atomic force microscope.


Please contact this core directly for pricing information.

Hope Center for Neurological Disorders (HCND)
Department of Neurology of the Washington University School of Medicine