
How do I access the eAnimal Ordering module of LAMPS?

Beginning July 6, visit lamps.wustl.edu then click the Login to LAMPS button. Once logged in, navigate to eAnimal Ordering, by clicking eAnimal Ordering in the left of the top menu, then Investigator, then Investigator Home.

I see a message that says “Warning. Your web browser must allow pop-ups from this web site” What do I do?

Follow this guide to enable pop-ups or call the WashU IT Help Desk at 314-935-5707.

Submitting a Requisition

Who can submit animal requisitions (orders) in LAMPS?

All approved personnel in a role with edit access (PI, Co-PI, Primary Protocol Contact, Staff Personnel – Read & Write) on a protocol in LAMPS will be able to submit a requisition for that protocol.

How do I request access to the eAnimal ordering module of LAMPS?

There is no access request form for eAnimal Ordering. All approved personnel on a protocol in the eProtocol module of LAMPS will have access to eAnimal ordering once it is live.

[New] Why don’t I see the protocol listed in the Available Protocols section of the eAnimal Ordering home page?

If the protocol is not listed in eAnimal Ordering, you are not an approved personnel member for the protocol.

Check the eProtocol home page to see if the protocol is listed. If you see the protocol listed in the In Preparation / Submitted section, there is likely a pending amendment submitted to the IACUC to add you as approved personnel, but it is not yet approved. The protocol must be approved before you can submit a requisition.

If the protocol is not available on the eProtocol home page, you are not listed on the protocol. Contact the primary PI of the protocol to be added.

[New] Can I request multiple species on one requisition?

No. Even though LAMPS functionality allows multiple species to be selected on one requisition, University procedures do not allow this. Requisitions with multiple species will not be approved.

[New] Can I request multiple strains on one requisition?

No. A single strain must be entered into the strain text field. Requisitions with multiple strains will not be approved. If the requisition has multiple lines, each line must be for the same strain.

[New] What is a line of the requisition? How many can I have?

Each line of the requisition is for a specific set of attributes (sex, age, etc.) for the requested species. University procedures allow a maximum of two lines per requisition, if needed. Both lines must be for the same species and strain. The lines can differ by sex only.

[New] Which delivery date should I pick?

For mice and rats, reference the How to Acquire Animals page to check if your vendor only delivers on certain days of the week.

For large animals, work with the facility manager to ensure adequate veterinary and facility support are in place before ordering the animals.

Orders must be fully approved by Wednesdays at 2 p.m. for following week delivery. Orders fully approved after this cutoff are not guaranteed and will be assessed a $50 late.  

[New] I am new to the university and do not yet know where my animals will be housed. What building and room should I select?

For School of Medicine, contact the DCM facility manager for your preferred building before submitting the requisition.

For Danforth, contact Tammie Keadle, the Danforth Animal Facility Director.

[New] How do I request a breeding pair/set, pregnant animals, or mothers with offspring?

See the Submit a Requisition guide for these details.

[New] How do I know when my requisition has been approved?

Once a requisition is submitted, it is listed under the In Progress section of the eAnimal Ordering Home page. The Status field notes where the requisition is in the lifecycle.

There are two steps in the approval process. First, DCM Procurement will review the requisition and will send an in-system Clarification Request if additional information is necessary. A response to these clarifications is required before DCM Procurement can approve the requisition. Once the requisition is approved by DCM Procurement, the status updates to Order in Preparation. This denotes that the requisition is waiting on departmental funding source assignment and approvals in Workday. Once approved by department accounting staff in Workday, the requisition returns to LAMPS and the status updates to Fully Ordered. The order is then sent to the vendor.

What happens after the animal requisition is submitted in LAMPS?

After the requisition is submitted by someone with edit access on the approved protocol, it goes to the DCM Procurement Staff for review. Once DCM has approved the requisition, it is sent to Workday.

The first departmental review will occur by the ‘Cost Center Supplier Contract Specialist’. This individual will assign the appropriate Workday Worktags (grant or other funding mechanism that will be used to pay for this purchase) and then route to additional approvers (e.g. ‘Cost Center Grant Manager’), as determined by Workday workflow rules. When all approvals are received in Workday, the integration returns the order to the DCM Procurement Office approval stream in LAMPS. DCM then submits the information to the vendor for fulfillment.

See the Funding Information / Workday Integration section below for details on what is sent from LAMPS to Workday.

Will requisitions be available to all protocol personnel?

Yes. If a draft requisition is created, any protocol member can edit that requisition before it is submitted to DCM. All personnel in a role with edit access can submit the requisition to DCM, regardless of who began the requisition. Completed order will be available to all protocol personnel.

Will I be able to see my past orders in LAMPS?

Orders dating back to May 1, 2020 will be visible in LAMPS.

Is weaning reflected in my available balance?

Animals are deducted from your Balance to Requisition (BRN) effective the date they are weaned. There may be a slight delay between the recording of the wean and the deduction of the BRN in LAMPS.

Funding Information / Workday Integration

What happens if my order is not approved in Workday?

If the requisition is disapproved for a financial reason, it will send back to LAMPS with a status of disapproved. Because a requisition submitted to Workday can no longer be edited, DCM Procurement staff will cancel disapproved orders which will return the number of requested animals back to your Balance to Requisition (BRN).

How will departmental accounting staff know which grant to charge for the requisition?

The person submitting the requisition should work with the PI to identify the grant used to fund the animal purchase. These funding notes should be entered in the free-text ‘Purchase Account Description’ section of the requisition to aid in the accounting approval process that will occur in Workday via an integration LARS.

The Purchase Account Description field is field is sent to Workday to assist central accounting staff in charging the correct grant or other fund.

How will departmental accounting staff know who submitted the requisition in LAMPS?

The name of the submitter is not sent to Workday automatically. Individuals placing orders in LAMPS should enter their own name the free-text ‘Purchase Account Description’ section prior to submitting the requisition. If the submitters name is missing, DCM will add it prior to sending the requisition to Workday.

The Purchase Account Description field is sent to Workday and allows central staff to contact the requisition submitter if necessary.

When approving the requisition in Workday, how do I know the order is for an approved species for the protocol?

LAMPS only allows approved species with sufficient balances to be requisitioned. If a requisition has been sent to Workday for funding approval, it is an allowable number of animals for an approved species for that protocol.

Transition to eAnimal Ordering

Why is animal procurement moving to a new system?

Washington University is transitioning a new HR and Finance system, Workday. Workday is unable to accommodate animal procurement. The university is taking this opportunity to transition animal procurement to the Lab Animal Management and Protocol System (LAMPS) by releasing a new module in the system: Lab Animal Resource System (LARS), also known as eAnimal Ordering.

When will the eAnimal Ordering module of LAMPS go live?

The new module will be released July 6, 2021, aligning with the go-live of Workday and the transition period (see ‘Procurement Blackout’ section below for more details).

Will I be able to see my animal balances in eAnimal Ordering?

Yes. PIs and other approved protocol personnel will have access to animal balances for each protocol.  Each protocol will list a Balance to Requisition (BRN) which is the available animals remaining to use. Weaned animals are also decremented from this BRN. Please consider your breeding activity and reach out to the IACUC to update animal numbers if necessary.

Can an administrative or central person place animal orders for my protocol?

Lab members are strongly encouraged to be responsible for submitting animal requisitions in LAMPS. Adding administrative staff to protocols requires special approval and is not recommended. Administrative or accounting staff may continue to review and approve the expense in Workday and do not require access to LAMPS to perform this approval step.

If an administrative staff member is required to be added, the PI must:

  • Consider that the person will be able to see and edit full protocol details (procedures, drugs, euthanasia, etc.).
  • Receive emailed approval from the department business manager. Business managers have been notified that the LAMPS team encourages lab members to be responsible for submitting requisitions.
  • Instruct the person to complete Introduction to Animal Care and Use online module. This is required for every individual with edit access to the protocol, even if the person is not handling animals.
  • Submit an amendment to add the person to the protocol in a role with edit access:
    • Amendment Summary Page – Note that the changes are to add an administrative staff member with edit access to allow for ordering.
    • Personnel Information Page – Add the individual in a role with edit access. Answer “no” to “Is this person working with live vertebrate animals?”
    • Attachments Page – Attach the approval email from the department business manager.

Are there changes specific to researchers on the Danforth Campus?

Danforth and School of Medicine will follow the same path of submitting a requisition in the eAnimal Ordering module of LAMPS that will be reviewed by DCM.

My company (Vir, UHSP, etc.) contracts with WashU to manage my protocol. What will change for me?

There will be no change to your animal ordering process.

Procurement Blackout

When is the procurement blackout period?

The university-wide procurement blackout period is June 30 – July 5. During this time no new procurement transactions can be initiated. For more information, see the Workday Key Dates page. Animal ordering will be available in LAMPS on July 6.

When is the last day I can submit an animal order in Marketplace?

The last day to begin a new procurement transaction in Marketplace is June 29. The order must receive all necessary approvals by 5pm on June 30 to go through. Because of this strict deadline, researchers are strongly encouraged to place animal orders well ahead of this date.

Will animals still be received during the procurement blackout window of June 30 – July 5?

While animals can be technically be received during this time, there is a University holiday which impacts the delivery schedule. We ask that you plan ahead to avoid this narrow conversion window.


An archive of the FAQs for LARS Phase 1 that went live May 1, 2020 is available in Box.